Graph paper, quad-ruled paper, graphing paper or millimeter paper is writing paper that is printed with fine lines making up a regular grid. The lines are often used as guides for plotting mathematical functions or experimental data and drawing diagrams. It is commonly found in mathematics and engineering education settings and in laboratory notebooks.

How to Make Your Own Doll House Record Book  

Development of a doll house is not unlike the development of a real house, in which the same amount of time and organization are needed. One way to do this is to create a doll house record book for each of the houses in your collection.

for a doll house is not only allows you to inventory the items in your collection, but it gives you an idea of the existing and future plans of each house in your collection. This will help you in planning for future purchases, and the tracking of repairs and replacement.

selecting a doll house record book is simple: a simple binder or guestbook will. If you have multiple homes in your collection, it is best to keep separate records for each individual.

start by organizing each section of the binder of the room: ie, Victorian mansion: Section 1: Tea Room, Section 2: living room, etc. Take a picture of each room and in the relevant sections, so you can take a picture of how each room looked like, just in case you need to re-assemble the house.

Next inventory each room: furniture, accessories, wall colors and wallpaper. Make sure that you write, where you bought each item, as well the year and the producer for the event, it must be repaired or replaced. If possible, thumbnail images of items, especially items such as pictures, curtains, carpets, upholstery and individual. Remember, even the wallpaper pattern or color chips of colors you through the entire space.

It is also important to keep records of each of the room's electrical system. Start by drawing a one-dimensional design of the room. Make flattening Each room like a box, with the walls with flat on its pages. Some doll house kits with 1D picture layout in the building, so you can simply copy these pages. If not, you can create a schematic of their own on a piece of graph paper, you can do in any office supply store.

If you have your layout, consider your electrical wiring, and the types of equipment and lights, which connect to it. This will help in future installations and repairs easier, you prevent unnecessary after the walls and tore the wall paper.

your doll house record book can also serve as a Planning Guide: You can make a wish list of items that you want to purchase, as well as future decorating ideas. Add sample patterns of wallpaper or paint chips, and reference images, so you have an idea how you want your house to look. The note of the progress of each room will help you always every room in the fields of development, and how far you are from a vision for your own collection.

Ultimately, starting a doll house record book is simple, but it fills the pages that are so useful ... and have fun!


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