Graph paper, quad-ruled paper, graphing paper or millimeter paper is writing paper that is printed with fine lines making up a regular grid. The lines are often used as guides for plotting mathematical functions or experimental data and drawing diagrams. It is commonly found in mathematics and engineering education settings and in laboratory notebooks.

The Value Of Blood Pressure Monitoring And Making Use Of A Blood Pressure Chart  

Alterations to our way of life and nutrition mean that a growing number of people suffer from high blood pressure, and it is of crucial importance for us into the habit of our monitoring of blood pressure in regelmaigen intervals to repeat it. Fortunately, no longer means that we must trek to the doctors surgery and the large and growing range of easy to use and relatively inexpensive monitors in the job today allows us to monitor our blood pressure in comfort at home. But if our measuring pressure can easily enough, the interpretation of the resulting figures is something quite different matter.

Blood pressure varies from one person to another and according to such things as what we eat and the time of day. For this reason, we can not say that the normal blood pressure is a solid set of numbers and the more you should be so many points below or above this you should consult your doctor. What we can do, but to draw up a number of bands, which correspond to different degrees of low and high blood pressure in connection with a pair of baseline readings, the representatives of the majority of the people and that is exactly what does a blood pressure Chart .

A traditional blood Chart is a visual representation of a series of blood pressure readings, both above and below the standard together with an indication of what every band will tell you about your blood pressure.

For example, if your blood pressure and come with a high value of 134 systolic and diastolic a lower value of 87, this may not mean much to you, unless that it may be a bit high. But if you draw a line on a chart blood pressure between the higher number on the left side of the diagram and the low diastolic number on the right side of the chart you will notice that the line is in a band is a little bit about the normal and that, while close to the border with hypertension, it is still within acceptable limits.

Likewise if you came with a reading of 146 to 94 would see this as a mild case of hypertension. However, the chart would also show that this reading in its own should not be a cause for concern and can only be the result of the measurement of your blood pressure first thing in the morning, if your pressure is usually slightly increased or record it after dinner something with high fat content or the salty.

Charts of this kind are very useful for those with a snapshot of your print to a specific date, but may have a better picture would be a daily blood pressure table filled is that in more than a reasonable Period of time.

The majority of modern blood pressure monitors your readings and this can either be printed out and drawn by hand on graph paper or in association with one of several widely available software packages for plotting a full-color picture of your blood pressure in the days.

Whichever last method to choose, there is little that the question of a visual representation of your blood pressure readings over time will certainly be monitoring your health much easier. provides information on choosing the best home blood pressure monitor and on using blood pressure charts

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