Graph paper, quad-ruled paper, graphing paper or millimeter paper is writing paper that is printed with fine lines making up a regular grid. The lines are often used as guides for plotting mathematical functions or experimental data and drawing diagrams. It is commonly found in mathematics and engineering education settings and in laboratory notebooks.

Tulip Garden - When to Plan Next Year's Flowers  

When should your tulip garden for next spring? For most gardeners recommend that you plant tulip bulbs in October or November, when the temperature drops to around 50 degrees Fahrenheit. But the actual planning should be sooner, if you want the best results for your garden.

Let me explain. If you want a trip from Chicago to Detroit, you can in the car and drive and hope that you are going in the right direction. If you head west, south or north - chances are you will not get there. Or you can use a paper card or online card as Yahoo Maps to find the best route and follow the signs to your destination in Detroit.

The same applies for planning your tulip garden. You can throw a few onions in the ground and hope they come next spring. Some are, some are not. But if you want Design a tulip garden, you must make some think, answer a few questions and draw up a plan to achieve the objective you want. Let's against some of the most crucial items.

What are the best to plant tulip bulbs?

Many hybrid (fixed and farmed) tulips from Holland or from one of the Holland Tulip Festival are some of the best. You can plant beauties such as Red Emperor, Florentine, or other varieties of both singles and doubles blooming flowers. For more information about specific species, what you have to examine what USDA resistance zone you live in. A zone map will tell you how cold a temperature of the earth in your geographical area drop in the winter. These cards are numbered regions and are a very useful tool. You can find this card in many places where information can be found with regard to the planting and tulip tulip care.

What type of soil do you need?

It helps to know what kind of soil do you have in your garden. In general, you should have a loose, sandy soils in the annex to your tulips. Your tulips should be well drained to ordnungsgemae growth. So, if you have a tone or a dense, rocky soil, dig it out and replace that with the dirt loose, sandy soil, tulips grow in.

Where should your investment tulip bulbs?

Most of tulips need much sun. Tulip bulb nurseries recommend that tulips grow in full sun /part shade. However, planting them in a lightly shaded area, but not away from the sun-will help ensure that the chilled bulbs during the winter.

What design tips you should consider?

When you tulip bulb catalogs, either paper or online, look at the flowering season and the height of the tulip flowers. A blooming season lasts about two weeks, from early April until early June. Plant early bloomers on the front of the garden. Tulips can grow to a height of 14 cm to 30 cm or more. If you design your garden, take out a piece of graph paper and mark the places to the rear with the highest tulips; provides the shortest tulips in front.

When should you buy tulip bulbs?

To the best choice and the best prices, order your Tulip bulbs early. Most online nurseries, your credit card if your order but not download it until the onion ship. Since September and October are the first month, when many people, the popular varieties can go. Your best approach is to order bulbs in July and August, higher than the corresponding amount. So, if you really want this purple tulips, apricot or dreams, or white parrot tulips to early.

Your tulip garden is a wonderful way to begraen a new spring. Make sure to plan ahead to see the garden, you want.


Dave Pipitone is hopelessly in love with tulips and nourishes them in his Hope Patch. For more information on ordering tulip flowers, visit

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