Graph paper, quad-ruled paper, graphing paper or millimeter paper is writing paper that is printed with fine lines making up a regular grid. The lines are often used as guides for plotting mathematical functions or experimental data and drawing diagrams. It is commonly found in mathematics and engineering education settings and in laboratory notebooks.

Risks And Benefits Of Hospital Procedures  

In despite all the advertising and announces "home-like" Birth houses rooms in hospitals, for most women, a hospital birth is nothing like a birth at home. Interventions are routine in the hospitals in my state. Every woman is working man hooked up for a certain amount of time to an electronic monitoring of fetal, as vaginal examinations, and be told where and in what position they need to birth. If their membranes are broken, they will be required to secure their baby in a certain period of time. If their work is moving too slowly, they will expand or pitocin to have their water artificially broken. They will be told how many companions May, she with her. If she has other children they can or not, they at birth. How long they stay in the hospital will depend on their doctor and the particular hospital. How quickly her baby will be released will depend on whether the baby's pediatrician and hospital. Some of the common interventions take place during the hospital births discussed below.


Artificially break directly to the amniotic sac is routinemaig in many hospitals work to accelerate, to work, to the liquid or To get out of the way so that an internal monitoring can be screwed baby in the head. It was of the opinion that the water break would accelerate work by 30 to 60 minutes, but the randomized control trial only done refuted. This method leads cable prolapse, a serious complication for the baby and increases the chances of infection. With less amniotic fluid in the uterus during the work, the child has a higher risk for cord compression problems to fetal distress and malpositions of the head. 1, 2


Nearly every woman of birth in a hospital will receive a drug at some point during their stay. Pitocin is often used to work or expand. Because it causes unusually strong contractions, many women receive a pain-killing drug as a narcotic. Unfortunately drugs are also used in the baby and can affect the condition of the child at birth and for the years thereafter. Some of these side effects are respiratory diseases, impaired muscular, visual and neural development in the first weeks of life and in the following years, lower reading and spelling scores, weakness, difficulty in solving problems or tasks, if they are for a new drug challenge.

The The choice in many hospitals is the epidural. There must be a anesthesiologist and requires the mother to stay in bed afterward. You have to be rinsed with an IV fluid before to keep their blood pressure. A needle is in the women and small catheter is in place, where the drug is injected. He stunned the woman, her body from the ribs to the toes. Many women ask for this drug, because they do not want to deal with the pain of childbirth and believe it is safe for themselves and their children, because the doctor who administered it, the obstetrician, and the labor and delivery nurses all incentives for the use and giving no information on the page effects.

The known complications are many, the EFM, IV, immobility, urinary catheterization. An endoscope can be no sense of working or pushing the urge to lower blood pressure, relax the muscles unusual pelvic area, which can be encouraged to adopt the baby malpositions of the head, to a decline in the production of oxytocin in critical moments, and increase the need for forceps, and cesarean section. Epidurals cause some serious complications such as heart attack, spinal injury, spinal and head pain. After the birth, chronic back pain is a common complaint and back pain. The baby can be exposed to narcotic given to the effect of Epidural and which, if it alone, the baby's airways efforts, as well as the new-born convert the drug. We do not know the short-or long-term effects of Epidural or other drugs on the baby. Some claim that the baby is unaffected, unless the mother is hypotensive. Some non-interventionist birth attendants recognize that occasionally epidurals can be useful for certain situations. Some examples, if an epidural can have a normal birth for the mother's exhaustion, hard work, certain malpresentations or psychological disorders of the birth process. Although the FDA approves drugs as safe or unsafe, but they have no definition of safe, and does not guarantee the safety of medicines. Many who work with children brain damaged, wonder whether the disability is due to midwifery drug use. The question of whether women, the other choice if they were given full information about side effects. The American Academy of Pediatricians routinemaige discouraged the application of midwifery drugs. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7


This process is still in use in many hospitals routinemaig, although no research proves any benefit to the mother or the baby. Home birth and natural birth advocates recognize that for the vast majority of women, the process of working the intestines empty. 8, 9


Although many believe that an ep [isiotomy is necessary to have a baby, in order to prevent damage to the child's head, trauma to prevent the mother of the perineum and the Interfaces will heal faster and prevent, 3 And 4 Degree tears, no research supports these myths. Shiela Kitzinger writes that 9 out of 10 American women have a dam cut with her first baby, although in the Netherlands, only 2 or 3 out of 10. The facts are that Episiotomy is a cultural phenomenon. The research shows that step is done, because the doctor was trained to do, not because it is a necessary procedure. It can be avoided by using more physiological positions to give birth (lithotomy not), is pushing mother feels only then, if necessary, birth gently, slowly at the head, in preparing for the birth by doing Peri Neal training massage and cone movement, avoiding forceps delivery. 10


Forceps midwifery are tools, which take the form of large spoons have since the 1500's. Years ago, forceps were many problems that now cesarean section. Today, most of forceps deliveries tweezers are low, which means that they will be applied when the babies head is low in the pelvis and birth is imminent. After Henci Goer, "There is no research to support the elective use of forceps."

The risks for the mother, Peri Neal training trauma, extensive dam cut, possible extension of tearing Episiotomy, haematoma and nerve injury. Lasting effects of forceps or vacuum extraction of the mother can anal incontinence in spite of a third degree tear repaired. Baby can damage the head, eyes, cause the nerves to the face and neck and arms. However, an article written by a doctor, the parents magazine claimed, "Medical studies comparing the outlet forceps deliveries with spontaneous (no Tweezers) supplies have shown that there is no difference in risk for the baby. "(emphasis mine)

Vacuum extraction is a newer technology, which sometimes take the place of pliers. How low forceps, the child's head must be very low and the Basin before the suction cup can be attached. It has the advantage that it is not a dam cut and maternal Peri Neal trauma training is less than tweezers, but the baby still has the possibility of trauma to the head and face. chiropractors also recognize that Baby draw from the top of the changes the orientation spinal cord, even if this is not recognized in any medical texts. 6, 11, 12


Along with the lithotomy position comes immobility. It is impossible, location to change when you are flat on your back. It is even harder when internal and external fetal monitors to your body, an IV runs in the arm and after a drug was to "take the edge off." Needless to saying that if you had a Epidural, would you not go anywhere at all as your legs would not feeling.

Some hospitals promote and foot. Others do not like to be your room, which may be quite small and loaded equipped with devices that have a real walking almost impossible. studies have shown that over the upright and moving to shorten can work, as well as temporary positions. 13


According statistics from the department of health in Wisconsin, one-third of all births in this state are the result of the induction, the artificial beginning of the work. Most are using pitocin inductions in an intravenous solution or artificial interruption of directly to the amniotic sac. The reasons for this are manifold. one of the most common for The full-term healthy women, the fear of going too far past the "due date" and the birth of a child with postmature syndrome, or meconium staining. Another reason is the fear of a large baby.

Benefits the induction seem to avoid postmature - syndrome, the attempt to have a baby, which was too big for the mother and the circumvention meconium staining. however, studies have not confirmed this line of thinking. The actual amount of time necessary for a baby to term and varies with the exact maturity for each child is not ready. ultrasound, in the best case, a 10-day window of the error, if it in the first trimester. postdates the phenomenon is poorly understood. macrosomia occurs dated still works "-postmature syndrome. "(p. 181) The unit of postmature syndrome is based on a single doctors' subjective assessment of 37 babies." Research seems to indicate that watchful waiting is the more prudent course of action for healthy women. 14


At a number of US institutions, one of the first elements of care in order to ensure that midwifery patients, their IV, "just in case." Only in the event that they need medication or surgery or their veins collapse of an IV insertion impossible. Nancy Wainer Cohen and Lois Estner interviewed many labor and delivery nurses to find out how often a woman working man collapsed veins. you know that this is not happening. That is not the way Birth is happening in other countries, where a man working woman is allowed to eat or drink easily. disfiguration This cultural began in 1940 when anesthesia was born on almost all houses women from mask and vomiting and food were striving risks associated with them. Elimination of food and drinks, they felt would eliminate this risk. Today, however, anesthesia methods have improved, and this is no longer the problem, as it once. Improved intubation techniques make this problem virtually a thing of the past. Doris Haire, Maternity writer, after 20 years of medical literature on request during the operation found that the cause was not to eat or drink before surgery, but due to the incompetence of the anesthesiologist.

General anesthesia is estimated at around 4% that that cesarean section. Approximately 0.3% cesarean operations require intubation, it will be difficult to do, but not all women who have an intubation is aspirate. This is a working man women deny all meals and drinks, because 1 cesarean wife split from 10,000 in May aspirate.

Although IV to the stomach is empty, a glucose IV actually works to slow down the emptying of the stomach. It can also promote tissue so that it swell difficult intubate if that becomes necessary. IV fluid accumulates in the bladder, and can slow down work. Some women may have sensitivities of the AI and have a reaction. It restricts the mobility of women. needle in the arm is painful and inhibit free movement. child and the mother suffers IV, as studies made , to determine whether the sugar ebermaige administered by a glucose IV can harm the baby. 14, 15, 16


This used to the position of choice for doctors to do hospital births. The mother lies flat on his back with his knees in the air. It is a very unphysiologic position for mother and child, but it gives the doctor a good look at the mother perineum. While in that position, the mother of the child must push uphill . It is known to cause fetal distress because of the baby's mother is on the arteries and veins. Most women will not choose this position if it alternatives.

Dr. Roberto Caldeyro-Barcia is regarded as an expert in this position for labor and Delivery. He and his researchers found that the lithotomy position or back situation is the worst for women, because they are working adversely affects every facet of birth: Work is more painful, reduces the activity of the uterus and can be dangerously low blood pressure . He said: "With the exception of the hanged by the Fae the supine position is the worst position for labor and delivery terms." 17, 18


Electronic fetal monitoring is required in almost every hospital at least for a short time. If it is possible for the first time, it was only for the most high-risk situations. Nevertheless, it is now for everyone, regardless of risk status. a big reason why the EFM is so extensive is that the Personnel is scarce, and this technology allows for less care givers.

There are two types of monitors: foreign and domestic policy. external monitors can be connected to a heavy rubber band strapped that, in the belly of the mother. you have to lie quietly, so that the screens do not slide. The baby is the heart beat faster, based on a machine, that the documents at the moment to moment heart rate on graph paper together with the mother contractions. internal monitoring has the same things, but it is directly in the head of the baby by a metal screw. contractions of the uterus by a probe into the uterus. some who believe that this is a more accurate reading. While most work and supplies, no other method of monitoring the heart rate Baby used. EFM But not reduce child deaths, improving the results or give information that allows potentially bad situations to correct or avoid. strips are often wrong read. A study has found that 71-95% of children diagnosed as distressed by EFM were not. Furthermore, studies have shown that most of the causes of brain injury is not related to actual emergency during the birth, but rather because of the need, before work. Despite near the universal use of EFM, there is little evidence that a change has taken place in which the number of babies brain damaged born.

Auscultation with a fetascope, stethoscope, pinard Horn and other low-tech devices for listening to the baby have found, as for the effective monitoring of the working man women.

The risks in the use of EFM are well known: a higher rate of interventions of all kinds because of the wrong interpretation of the strip leading to a misdiagnosis of fetal distress. use of EFM May increase the risk of cerebral palsy by increasing the risk of infection. more children have abnormal fetal heart rate monitor, if patterns of EFM than by auscultation, and it may be that this finding is supported by EFM rather than simply detect it. mothers May report is not remember parts of their work because of the fear that was created by the monitors.

One the graten risks for the baby gets an internal monitorying electrode is that of infection at the insertion point. woman with a history of herpes can wise, on our internal monitoring of the concern of passing the disease to her child on the scalp electrode.

191. Cohen & Estner, Silent Knife, the 168th page
2 Korte & Scaer, A Good Birth, A Safe Birth, pages 108-109.
3 Korte & Scaer, pages 119-124.
4 Birth Gazette, "On Epidurals: advantages and disadvantages", Vol 9, No. 1, Winter 1992, 19 pages, 21st
5th Davis Floyd, Robbie, born as American Rite of Passage, 1992, pages 113-116.
6th Hillard, Paula Adams, "Because they Grow pregnancy and childbirth, forceps delivery," Parents Magazine, July 1990, pages 94, the 97th
7th Gross & Ito, "Everything about anesthesia," Parents, Vol 65, April 1990, pages 213, 218, 221st
8th Cohen & Estner, Page 162nd
9th Korte & Scaer, page 108th
10th Korte & Scaer, pages 127-128.
11st Korte & Scaer, page 129th
12nd Sultan, AH, "Third degree midwifery and sphincter tears: risk factors and the results of the primary repair," as abstracts in the journal of the AMA, May 25, 1994, Vol 217, page 15520th
13rd Korte & Scaer, pages 105-106 .
14th Goer, Henci, midwifery myths versus Realities Research, page 179-202.
15th Cohen & Estner, pages 162-168.
16th Korte & Scaer, pages 106-107.
17 Goer, page 109th
18th Cohen & Estner, pages 158-159.
19th Goer, pages 131-153.
20th Korte & Scaer, pages 1, 38-39 , 64, 77, 83, 90, 109-113, 134, 150, 156, 164, 187, 199-200.

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