Graph paper, quad-ruled paper, graphing paper or millimeter paper is writing paper that is printed with fine lines making up a regular grid. The lines are often used as guides for plotting mathematical functions or experimental data and drawing diagrams. It is commonly found in mathematics and engineering education settings and in laboratory notebooks.

Easy Science Project for 8th Grade Kids  

Testing the value of a ball full of air is a great science project idea.

With more students in sports today, we simply do scientific experiments around sports themes. We want to test by the amount of air in the ball, as it affects the ball by testing the power surge, throwing and hitting ability ability.

Use 3 volleyballs for this experiment. Make sure that they all have the same kind Grae and the ball with the same coverage, please complete the first full volleyball to a normal weight, as they appear on the ball by his Grae in the second pressure.

Fill on the whole ball past the normal pressure. They do not want to pop the ball, but the ball is very difficult when you try to press the sides. Fill in the third ball with less air. You do not need to make flat but you should be able to press the sides and to be able to press and a fair distance. The ball is still usable, but not quite fully with air.

Do 3 tests with the balls.

Test # 1

Hold a ball and place it on a hard surface with concrete or something in the vicinity, or a measure to ensure that you keep every ball in the amount equal to the drop. Hold down the first ball at this level measured and drop the ball on the ground. Do you have a yardstick someone by your side to the height of the jump ball after it with the same ball dropped.

Do # 2 and # 3.

Record these results on a sheet of graph paper. What did you determine from this ball drop? Probably, the ball with most of the highest air returned. It is the easiest, because the lift of the air, although it feels heavier. It was faster because of the amount of in the air and the pressure of the air contained within the rubber ball outside it caused a great reflex.

Test # 2

Draw a line on the floor or some place on earth as a place marker. Hold # 1 ball in your hand and throwing an arm throw the ball as much as possible. Have someone further away from you to mark the exact position of the first ball drop. You can pin or resources to these brands. Do the same with Ball Ball # 2 and # 3 Record, the ball flew the furthest. What do you have?

Test # 3

Stand in the same row or as a marker for Test # 2 and raise the volleyball and met him. Have someone farther to mark and determine the furthest way just volleyball. What volley flew most by it? Why do you think this occurred?

Using sports news, which you can find great science project ideas.

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