Graph paper, quad-ruled paper, graphing paper or millimeter paper is writing paper that is printed with fine lines making up a regular grid. The lines are often used as guides for plotting mathematical functions or experimental data and drawing diagrams. It is commonly found in mathematics and engineering education settings and in laboratory notebooks.

Point and Figure Charts- Part One  

You May have seen something on some storage sites, which looks like a football coach would have on his table, a mixture of X and O's. Maybe it's hugs and kisses for Valentine's Day. Or, perhaps, it is a new form of multi-level tic-tac-toe. The correct answer is "none of the above". It is a form of tracking shares as Point and Figure Chart.

Point & Figure (P and O) charts consist of the columns of X and O is the display filtered price movements over time. Some of the benefits of the use of P & F charts instead of traditional bar or candlestick charts are:

Getting abolition of the small, insignificant price variations, which often make bar charts be displayed "cluttered'

Removing the tricky distortions of the time Analysis process to give a clearer picture of what really happened with the localization stock

Make support /resistance levels much easier, and the trend line recognition of a "cake-walk'

Enable the user to concentrate on the important long term price developments

The Point & Figure chart of the analysis method was used for many years. Before the widespread, almost universal use of computers, P & F charts were of inestimable value for the stock tracker. In a few minutes, using only graph paper, a pencil or pen, and the share prices from the newspaper, P & F chartists have been able to update and analyse, 25, 50, 100 charts even every day! In the late 1980's, computers came in the universal use of stock tracker. Use of computers made it much easier to create bar charts. As a result, P & F charts began to disappear. In recent years, however, P & F charts is currently in a "renaissance" and is again growing popularity, as investors for simpler and better ways to stocks. Even in the world of the stock market, "less is more" .

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Dottye is a Realtor, an Internet Marketer, and a published Author of three books, and several short stories and songs. For more information, please visit:

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